lls, sensitizing them to the SASP promotion of carcinoma development. The cell-autonomous tumor-suppressive character of senescence is less clear for several types of epithelial cells and melanocytes MMP-PAR-1 in Senescence and Early Carcinogenesis than for fibroblasts. Almost all precancerous cells of benign tumors display senescence markers, which are lost in the subsequent malignant tumors. This suggests that in epithelial cells and melanocytes, senescence is only a transitory barrier that is overcome 17649988 in a significant number of cases. Senescence evasion can be achieved through alteration of the functions of major tumor suppressor genes, such as p16INK4, whose inactivation allows Sphase re-entry, and oncogenes such as TWIST and Ras, whose co-activation leads to a strong EMT. Non-melanoma skin carcinomas 9570468 are the commonest cancers in the aging populations of developed countries, and their incidence is on the increase in association with rising life expectancy. More than 2 million cases of NMSCs were estimated in 2010 in the United States. Because of their high frequency, NMSCs, especially squamous cell carcinomas that can evolve as metastatic, cause considerable morbidity and greater mortality than Hodgkin’s lymphoma or thyroid, bone, or testicle cancer. Interestingly, the occurrence of an NMSC is associated with an increased risk of developing a second Varlitinib supplier primary carcinoma. Therefore, the study of NMSCs may shed light on general features of initial mechanisms of carcinogenesis associated with aging. A common hypothesis is that the increase in carcinoma incidence with age might result from changes in the aging stroma. When put in primary culture, the two major skin cell types, normal human dermal fibroblasts and normal human epidermal keratinocytes, behave differently regarding senescence and senescence evasion, in a way that seems relevant to the in vivo and epidemiological findings described above. Like other fibroblasts, NHDFs, after 5060 population doublings, enter a senescence plateau which is irreversible and associated with shortened telomeres. NHEKs, on the other hand, enter senescence after only 1020 PDs, because of oxidative stress resulting at least partly from activation of the NF- B/ MnSOD/H2O2 pathway, and at this time they still display long telomeres. While accumulated oxidative damage results in death by autophagy of most senescent NHEKs, a fraction of the senescent population systematically and spontaneously re-enters in the cell cycle, generating clones of daughter cells that resume growth. These post-senescence emergent keratinocytes display a modified transcriptome, reflecting a certain degree of transformation, and a slight decline in E-cadherin expression, indicating that they have undergone a slight EMT. Remarkably, despite this apparently moderate transformed in vitro phenotype, PSE-NHEKs form, within 8 months after being xenografted into flanks of nude mice, disseminated skin hyperplasias and small carcinomas, indicative of initial intrinsic in vitro molecular changes allowing neoplastic development. Thus, the in vitro post-senescence neoplastic emergence of NHEKs might involve the early molecular events enabling the generation of transformed epithelial cells in aged individuals. Here we have investigated whether and how the secretome of senescent NHDFs might favor PSNE or modify the properties of PSE-NHEKs. We show that NHEKs exposed throughout their culture to factors secreted by senescent NHDFs undergo PSNE mor
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