thelium-independent relaxation to SNP in aortas of saline-infused and AngII-infused ApoE2/2 mice. No significant difference was observed 12149260 in the SNP-induced relaxation of aortas from the two groups. Effect of AngII Infusion on Vascular Contraction of order 212141-51-0 isolated Thoracic Aortas from ApoE2/2 Mice Cumulative administration of phenylephrine caused a concentration-dependent contraction of isolated thoracic aortas from vehicle-infused ApoE2/2 mice. A significant leftward shift of the concentration-response curve to phenylephrine was observed in the isolated aortas from the AngII-infused mice . Similarly, potassium chloride, caused a concentration dependent contraction of the isolated aortas of ApoE2/2 mice with a significant leftward shift of the concentration-response curve observed in AngII-infused mice when compare with the vehicle-infused animals . Statistical Analysis Data were presented as mean 6 SEM of n experiments. Statistical comparisons were performed using t-test or two-way analysis of variance, where appropriate. Differences were considered to be statistically significant at P,0.05. All statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 5 software. Results Effect of AngII Infusion on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in ApoE2/2 Mice AngII infusion resulted in an increase in mean blood pressure in ApoE2/2 mice in a time-dependent manner. MBP was significantly higher in the AngII-infused group when compared with the vehicle-infused group as measured at day 7 and day 14 . Heart rate was not altered by either AngII or vehicle infusion in ApoE2/2 mice throughout the 14-day period . Effect of AngII Infusion on Cav-1, p-eNOS and Total eNOS Protein Expression in the Thoracic Aortas of ApoE2/2 Mice Protein expression of Cav-1, p-eNOS and total eNOS in the isolated thoracic aortas were evaluated and compared between the vehicle-infused 22582137 and AngII-infused ApoE2/2 mice. Our results revealed that there was significant upregulation of Cav-1 protein expression in aortic sample from AngII-infused mice . Expression of p-eNOS and total eNOS protein in the isolated aortas from the two groups of mice were compared. Expression of total eNOS was similar in the aortas of saline- and AngII mice. A marked reduction of peNOS expression was observed in aortas from the AngIIinfused mice when compared to the vehicle-infused mice . Effect of AngII Infusion on Vascular Relaxation of Isolated Thoracic Aortas from ApoE2/2 Mice Basal tone of the rings were similar in aortas from the vehicleand AngII-infused mice . In aortas from vehicle-infused ApoE2/2 mice acetylcholine caused a concentration-dependent relaxation of the isolated thoracic aorta with 100% relaxation at,1 mM. The acetylcholineinduced relaxation of aortas from AngII -infused mice was significantly smaller than that observed in aortas from control mice. There was a marked rightward shift of the concentrationresponse curve to acetylcholine and a reduced maximum relaxation response at 3 mM . In addition, the acetylcholineinduced relaxation was greatly suppressed by L-NAME in aortas from both vehicle- and AngII -infused mice. Cumulative administration of sodium nitroprusside caused a concentration-dependent relaxation of Effect of AngII Infusion on Plasma Nitrite/nitrate, Total Cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein and Very Low Density Lipoprotein in ApoE2/2 Mice Plasma total cholesterol, HDL and VLDL were not significantly different between vehicle- and AngII-infused mice. Total plasma nitric oxide metab
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