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-controlled manner. That tight regulation of fuel supply is also important for macrophage function is illustrated by NAD+ Controls Macrophage Morphodynamics the observation that glucose influx through GLUT1 is MedChemExpress Cobicistat enhanced when macrophages are exposed to LPS, or that glucose consumption via glycolysis is increased when macrophages are incubated with zymosan. Unfortunately, not much more is known about the relative contributions of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial energy-redox reactions to specific morpho-physiological functioning of these cells, although macrophage activities are thought to be generally more dependent on glycolytic metabolism than on oxidative pathways. In order to produce ATP in sufficient quantities and sustain a high flux through glycolysis, glycolytic cells such as macrophages need to maintain a delicate NAD+/NADH balance and threshold concentration of NAD in the cytoplasm. In order to achieve this, NAD+ can be synthesized de novo from tryptophan, although most of the cellular NAD+ in mammalian cells comes from salvage pathways using the NAD+ precursors nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, or nicotinamide riboside as starting substrates. The first reaction in the conversion of NAM to NAD+ is catalyzed by nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase and is the rate limiting step in the pathway, yielding nicotinamide mononucleotide as intermediate product. NAMPT, also known as pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor or visfatin, is one of the more than hundred gene products that undergo conspicuous upregulation upon functional differentiation of macrophages. Apart from having an intracellular enzymatic function in NAD+ salvage synthesis, NAMPT is also secreted into the extracellular environment. Extracellular NAMPT appears not to exhibit enzymatic activity but functions as a cytokine by PubMed ID: inducing pro-inflammatory responses in macrophages and neutrophils, a role that is unaffected by treatment with the specific inhibitor FK866 . In contrast, inhibition of intracellular NAMPT by FK866 decreases intracellular NAD+ and LPSstimulated TNF levels in THP-1 cells and primary mouse and human monocytes as well as IL-1b and IL-6 levels in mouse monocytes. These observations suggest that a global link exists between NAD+ salvage metabolism and the inflammatory response of M1 macrophages. However, whether there is coupling to specific aspects of macrophage functioning or a role of NAD+/ NADH compartmentalization over mitochondrial and cytosolic pools therein, has not yet been determined. We have recently, by genetic and pharmacological modulation of NAMPT-dependent NAD+ salvage synthesis, provided evidence for a controlling role of NAD ) in the motile behavior of malignant glioma cells. Here we extend this work by extrapolation of these findings to the metabolic control over cellular functions in macrophages. We report on a specific link between cytoplasmic NAD+ homeostasis and aspects of adhesion, spreading and phagocytosis in LPSstimulated cells from the RAW 264.7 lineage and in continuously proliferating MafB/c-Maf deficient macrophages. Pharmacological inhibition of NAMPT was used as a tool to selectively and differentially modulate intracellular NAD+ concentration. Cell Culture RAW 264.7 cells were maintained in high-glucose DMEM supplemented with 10% heat inactivated FBS, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, and 4 mM GlutaMAX, at 37uC in a humidified atmosphere with 7.5% CO2. Maf-DKO cells, Universite Aix-Marseille, France; ) were maintained in the same way except t

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Author: nucleoside analogue