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RepORtRepORtmAbs five:five, 76375; September/October 2013; 2013 Landes BioscienceCloning and expression of an anti-LDL(-) single-chain variable fragment, and its inhibitory impact on experimental atherosclerosisSoraya M. Kazuma,1, Marcela F. Cavalcante,1, Andr a e.R. telles,1 Andrea Queiroz Maranh two and Dulcineia S.p. Abdalla1,*Department of Clinical Analysis; Faculty of pharmaceutical Sciences; University of Sao paulo; Sao paulo, Brazil; 2Molecular Immunology Laboratory; Department of Cell Biology; University of Brasilia; Distrito Federal, Brazilthese authors contributed equally to this perform.Search phrases: single-chain fragment variable, Pichia pastoris, atherosclerosis, electronegative LDL, macrophage, foam ce.

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Author: nucleoside analogue