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Cknowledgements This operate was financially supported by University of Malaya under University Malaya Research Grant (RG 022-09AET) and Postgraduate Analysis Fund (PS 376-2010B and PS 377-2010B). Author specifics 1 COMBICAT Laboratory, Nanotechnology Catalysis Analysis Centre (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia. 2Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia. 3Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Supplies, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China. Received: 7 February 2013 Accepted: eight April 2013 Published: ten April 2013 References 1. Wang YY, Li Q, Nie M, Li XL, Li Y, Zhong XL: High-yield space temperature route to copper sulfide hollow nanospheres and their electrochemical properties. Nanotechnology 2011, 22:30540105406. two. Li F, Wu JF, Qin QH, Li Z, Huang XT: Controllable synthesis, optical and photocatalytic properties of CuS nanomaterials with hierarchical structures. Powder Technol 2010, 198:26774. 3. Erokhina S, Erokhin V, Nicolini C, Sbrana F, Ricci D, di Zitti E: Microstructure origin with the conductivity differences in aggregated CuS films of diverse thickness. Langmuir 2003, 19:76671. 4. Tan ZG, Zhu Q, Guo XZ, Zhang JF, Wu WY, Liu AP: Synthesis of flowershaped CuS microsphere superstructures by a solvothermal route and its photocatalytic properties.Etoposide Acta Chim Sin 2011, 69:2812820. five. Yu XL, An XQ: Controllable hydrothermal synthesis of Cu2S nanowires on the copper substrate. Mater Lett 2010, 64:25254. six. Sagade AA, Sharma R: Copper sulphide (CuxS) as an ammonia gas sensor functioning at area temperature. Sensor Actuat B- Chem 2008, 133:13543. 7. Reijnen L, Meester B, Goossens A, Schoonman J: Atomic layer deposition of CuxS for solar energy conversion. Chem Vapor Depos 2003, 9:150. 8. Chung JS, Sohn HJ: Electrochemical behaviors of CuS as a cathode material for lithium secondary batteries. J Energy Sources 2002, 108:22631. 9. Zhang P, Gao L: Copper sulfide flakes and nanodisks. J Mater Chem 2003, 13:2007010. 10. Singh KV, Martinez-Morales AA, Bozhilov KN, Ozkan M: A easy way of synthesizing single-crystalline semiconducting copper sulfide nanorods by utilizing ultrasonication throughout template-assisted electrodeposition. Chem Mater 2007, 19:2446454. 11. Zhu T, Xia B, Zhou L, Wen Lou X: Arrays of ultrafine CuS nanoneedles supported on a CNT backbone for application in supercapacitors.Metoprolol J Mater Chem 2012, 22:7851855.PMID:25818744 12. Roy P, Srivastava SK: Hydrothermal growth of CuS nanowires from Cu – dithiooxamide, a novel single-source precursor. Cryst Growth Des 2006, six:1921926. 13. Lu Q, Gao F, Zhao D: One-step synthesis and assembly of copper sulfide nanoparticles to nanowires, nanotubes, and nanovesicles by a simple organic amine-assisted hydrothermal method. Nano Lett 2002, 2:72528.14. Wang Q, Li J-X, Li G-D, Cao X-J, Wang K-J, Chen J-S: Formation of CuS nanotube arrays from CuCl Nanorods via a gas-solid reaction route. J Cryst Growth 2007, 299:38692. 15. Chen Y-B, Chen L, Wu L-M: Water-induced thermolytic formation of homogeneous core – shell CuS microspheres and their shape retention on desulfurization. Cryst Growth Des 2008, eight:2736740. 16. Zeng H, Rice PM, Wang SX, Sun S: Shape-controlled synthesis and shapeinduced texture of MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles. J Am Chem Soc 2004, 126:114581459. 17. Song Q, Zhang ZJ: Shape handle and linked magnetic properties of spinel cobalt ferrite nanocr.

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Author: nucleoside analogue