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Followed by apoplastic protein extraction and western blotting. For this, expression constructs to get a C-terminally myc-tagged version of PME17 have been agro-infiltrated in tobacco leaves with SBT3.5 (Fig. 6A) inside the presence or absence of EPI1 and EPI10, SBT inhibitors belonging to theSenechal et al. — PME and SBT expression in ArabidopsisA3 24 172 206 497Q102 D146 Q124,D125 Signal peptide Pro aspect (PMEI, Pfam04043)RProcessing motif (PM) PME domain (Pfam01095)MMAFRAYIINFVILCILVASTVSGYNQKDVKAWCSQTPNPKPCEYFLTHNSNNEPIKSESEFLKISMKLVLDRAILAKTH AFTLGPKCRDTREKAAWEDCIKLYDLTVSKINETMDPNVKCSKLDAQTWLSTALTNLDTCRAGFLELGVTDIVLPLMSNN VSNLLCNTLAINKVPFNYTPPEKDGFPSWVKPGDRKLLQSSTPKDNAVVAKDGSGNFKTIKEAIDAASGSGRFVIYVKQG VYSENLEIRKKNVMLRGDGIGKTIITGSKSVGGGTTTFNSATVAAVGDGFIARGITFRNTAGASNEQAVALRSGSDLSVF YQCSFEAYQDTLYVHSNRQFYRDCDVYGTVDFIFGNAAAVLQNCNIFARRPRSKTNTITAQGRSDPNQNTGIIIHNSRVT AASDLRPVLGSTKTYLGRPWRQYSRTVFMKTSLDSLIDPRGWLEWDGNFALKTLFYAEFQNTGPGASTSGRVTWPGFRVL GSASEASKFTVGTFLAGGSWIPSSVPFTSGL80 160 240 320 400 480B1D142 Signal peptideHS552 Protease connected (PA) domain (Pfam02225) Carboxy terminus or Fn-III domainPro domain (Inhibitor I9, Pfam05922) Subtilase domain (Peptidase S8, Pfam00082)MRNCRVLLVLVLSLVIVLNVVRASDESKVHIVYLGEKQHDDPEFVSESHHQMLSSLLGSKVDAHESMVYSYRHGFSGFAA KLTESQAKKLADSPEVVHVMADSFYELATTRTWDYLGLSVANPNNLLNDTNMGDQVIIGFIDTGVWPESESFNDNGVGPI PSHWKGGCESGEKFISTNCNRKLIGAKYFINGFLAENEGFNTTESRDYISARDFIGHGTHTASIAGGSFVPNISYKGLAG GNLRGGAPRARIAIYKACWYVDQLGAVACSSSDILKAMDESMHDGVDVLSLSLGAQIPLYPETDLRDRIATGAFHAVAKG IIVVCAGGNSGPAAQTVLNTAPWIITVAATTLDRSFPTPITLGNRKVILGQALYTGQELGFTSLVYPENAGFTNETFSGV CERLNLNPNRTMAGKVVLCFTTNTLFTAVSRAASYVKAAGGLGVIIARNPGYNLTPCRDDFPCVAIDYELGTDVLLYIRS TRSPVVKIQPSRTLVGQPVGTKVATFSSRGPNSISPAILKPDIGAPGVSILAATSPDSNSSVGGFDILAGTSMAAPVVAG VVALLKALHPNWSPAAFRSAIVTTAWRTDPFGEQIFAEGSSRKVADPFDYGGGIVNPEKAADPGLIYDMGPRDYILYLCS AGYNDSSITQLVGNVTVCSTPKTSVLDVNLPSITIPDLKDEVTLTRTVTNVGTVDSVYKVVVEPPLGIQVVVAPETLVFN SKTKNVSFTVRVSTTHKINTGFYFGNLIWTDSMHNVTIPVSVRTQILQNYYDEN80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720F I G . three. PME17 and SBT3.five proteins are identified in cell-wall-enriched 10-d-old root protein extracts. Structural domains (leading) and amino acid sequences with peptides identified by MS (bottom) are shown for PME17 (A) and SBT3.5 (B). On the structural domains, numbers indicate amino acids in the catalytic internet site, according to numbering of crystalized models, and domain boundaries. Around the amino acid sequences, peptides identified by MS are underlined. Residues involved in catalysis are highlighted in yellow and putative N-glycosylation web sites are coloured in pink and dotted underlined. Inside the PME17 sequence, the putative basic processing motif RKLL is highlighted in black.BCTC Kazal household of serine protease inhibitors (Tian and Kamoun, 2005).Montelukast Following apoplastic washes, equal amounts of extracted proteins had been resolved by SDS AGE (Fig.PMID:23460641 6B), transferred to nitrocellulose membrane and probed with anti-c-Myc antibodies (Fig. 6C). In the absence of SBT3.five, two bands inside a molecular mass range of 358 kDa have been detected within the apoplasm (Fig. 6C). This suggests that, even though a single RKLL sequence was identified, two processing motifs might be present in thePME17 amino acid sequence, both of that are cleaved by an endogenous tobacco subtilase/protease. An extra band at a molecular mass close to 61 kDa in all probability represents the nonprocessed type of PME17. The recovery of this non-processed kind in apoplastic washes is likely to be explained by a slight contamination (5 ) with cyto.

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Author: nucleoside analogue