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N of RHOB, a gene whose expression is not influenced by Dimethylenastron web DHT-bound full-length AR. As validation of the usefulness of this model cell line, we have shown the upregulation of RHOB to be involved in the increased motility and morphological changes evident in androgen depletion independent growth conferred by the truncated AR.below the graph) and either 1 nM DHT or vehicle as control for 24 hours. Fold induction is reported relative to uninduced LN/ TC-AR* cells grown in the absence of DHT. (TIF)Figure S3 AR mRNA in LN/TC-AR cultured in androgenSupporting InformationFigure S1 LN/TC-AR cells were grown in the presence of hormone depleted media and treated with 4.5 ng/mL of doxycycline (low dox) or left untreated as control for 6 days. Media and doxycycline were refreshed every 3 days. Bright field images were acquired with an Olympus microscope using 206 magnification. (TIF) Figure S2 A Western blot showing TC-AR* levels of LN/TC-depleted UKI-1 supplier medium decreases following induction of TC-AR. Graph shows data obtained from two separate microarray probe clusters targeting the LBD and 39UTR of AR. Neither region is present in TC-AR thus ensuring analysis of only endogenous AR mRNA. Cluster 211110_s_at contains a mix of 11 probes spanning nucleotides 3386?950 (Exon 5 to 39UTR) and cluster 211621_at contains a mix of 11 probes spanning nucleotides 4010?251 (39UTR). All samples for microarray analysis were prepared as described in the main text. Nucleotide positions are based on NCBI Reference Sequence NM_000044.3. (TIF)Figure S4 Quantitative Real Time PCR Analysis of AKT1, CDC20 UBE2C. qRT-PCR was performed as described in Materials and Methods using primers shown in Table S3. Results show no significant upregulation of these three genes following induction of TC-AR in the LN/TC-AR cell line. (TIF) Table SAR* lines. Doxycycline concentrations are shown above the membrane image. Membrane were probed with a-AR (PG-21) (primary) followed by a-mouse (secondary). Simultaneous with aAR (PG-21), each membrane was also probed with a-actin (primary) as a control for loading. B Morphology of LN/TC-AR* cell line following induction of TC-AR*. LN/TC-AR* cells were grown in the presence of hormone depleted media and treated with various concentrations of doxycycline (listed immediately above images). At 48-hours post-treatment representative images of each sample group were acquired. C Androgen independent growth of the LN/TC-AR* cell line. Cell count assay showing the growth of LN/TC-AR*. Cells were cultured in androgen-depleted medium that was supplemented with either 1 nM DHT, low dox, high dox or vehicle only. At the designated time points, total cells per well were determined via CountessH Automated Cell Counter. D Luciferase assay showing androgen-independent activation of TC-AR* Luciferase assay showing that TC-AR*-mediated transactivation is not dependent upon androgen within the context of the LN/TC-AR* cell line. LN/TC-AR* cells were cotransfected with pPSA6.0-luc and pH 48-ren in hormone depleted media and treated with low concentrations of doxycycline (listedGenes up-regulated by DHT, Low Dox and High Doxtreatments (XLSX)Table S2 Genes up-regulated by Low Dox and High Doxtreatments (XLSX)Table S3 Sequences of primers for q-RT-PCR(XLSX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: HCT DLB HJK. Performed the experiments: HCT DLB AM. Analyzed the data: HCT DLB AM CGT HJK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: HCT DLB AM CGT. Wrote t.N of RHOB, a gene whose expression is not influenced by DHT-bound full-length AR. As validation of the usefulness of this model cell line, we have shown the upregulation of RHOB to be involved in the increased motility and morphological changes evident in androgen depletion independent growth conferred by the truncated AR.below the graph) and either 1 nM DHT or vehicle as control for 24 hours. Fold induction is reported relative to uninduced LN/ TC-AR* cells grown in the absence of DHT. (TIF)Figure S3 AR mRNA in LN/TC-AR cultured in androgenSupporting InformationFigure S1 LN/TC-AR cells were grown in the presence of hormone depleted media and treated with 4.5 ng/mL of doxycycline (low dox) or left untreated as control for 6 days. Media and doxycycline were refreshed every 3 days. Bright field images were acquired with an Olympus microscope using 206 magnification. (TIF) Figure S2 A Western blot showing TC-AR* levels of LN/TC-depleted medium decreases following induction of TC-AR. Graph shows data obtained from two separate microarray probe clusters targeting the LBD and 39UTR of AR. Neither region is present in TC-AR thus ensuring analysis of only endogenous AR mRNA. Cluster 211110_s_at contains a mix of 11 probes spanning nucleotides 3386?950 (Exon 5 to 39UTR) and cluster 211621_at contains a mix of 11 probes spanning nucleotides 4010?251 (39UTR). All samples for microarray analysis were prepared as described in the main text. Nucleotide positions are based on NCBI Reference Sequence NM_000044.3. (TIF)Figure S4 Quantitative Real Time PCR Analysis of AKT1, CDC20 UBE2C. qRT-PCR was performed as described in Materials and Methods using primers shown in Table S3. Results show no significant upregulation of these three genes following induction of TC-AR in the LN/TC-AR cell line. (TIF) Table SAR* lines. Doxycycline concentrations are shown above the membrane image. Membrane were probed with a-AR (PG-21) (primary) followed by a-mouse (secondary). Simultaneous with aAR (PG-21), each membrane was also probed with a-actin (primary) as a control for loading. B Morphology of LN/TC-AR* cell line following induction of TC-AR*. LN/TC-AR* cells were grown in the presence of hormone depleted media and treated with various concentrations of doxycycline (listed immediately above images). At 48-hours post-treatment representative images of each sample group were acquired. C Androgen independent growth of the LN/TC-AR* cell line. Cell count assay showing the growth of LN/TC-AR*. Cells were cultured in androgen-depleted medium that was supplemented with either 1 nM DHT, low dox, high dox or vehicle only. At the designated time points, total cells per well were determined via CountessH Automated Cell Counter. D Luciferase assay showing androgen-independent activation of TC-AR* Luciferase assay showing that TC-AR*-mediated transactivation is not dependent upon androgen within the context of the LN/TC-AR* cell line. LN/TC-AR* cells were cotransfected with pPSA6.0-luc and pH 48-ren in hormone depleted media and treated with low concentrations of doxycycline (listedGenes up-regulated by DHT, Low Dox and High Doxtreatments (XLSX)Table S2 Genes up-regulated by Low Dox and High Doxtreatments (XLSX)Table S3 Sequences of primers for q-RT-PCR(XLSX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: HCT DLB HJK. Performed the experiments: HCT DLB AM. Analyzed the data: HCT DLB AM CGT HJK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: HCT DLB AM CGT. Wrote t.

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Author: nucleoside analogue