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Ain Dedication waiver ( applies to the
Ain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Bai et al. BMC Plant Biology (2015) 15:Page 2 ofof sterol was found to correlate with annual cycle in germination likely for the purpose of membrane stabilization and protection during cold winter. More recently a three year study demonstrated the occurrence of annual periodicity in dehydration tolerance of germinated seeds [18]. Schismus arabicus Nees (Poaceae), a common fodder in Negev desert, germinated uniformly throughout the year at 80-100 ; however the percentage of surviving seed to controlled dehydration experiments varied depending on the season. Dehydration response in plants involves all levels of cellular activity [19] including metabolic reorganization [20]. For example, the biosynthesis of sugars and polyphenols play a significant role in protein and membrane protection against the effect of dehydration; trehalose, raffinose, galactinol and umbelliferose can promote the formation of protective glass matrix [21-24]; flavonoids can provide a chemical barrier by decreasing permeability to moisture [25] limiting damage during storage [26]; tocopherols lipophilic antioxidants can limit non-enzymatic lipid oxidation during seed dehydration, storage, and early germination stages [27,28]. Recently metabolite profiling showed the induction of energy metabolism and the biosynthesis of specialized antioxidant as possibly linked with increased germination following dehydration of imbibed Arabidopsis seeds [29]. The aim of the present study was to explore the metabolic basis of seasonal periodicity in seed germination and survival following dehydration in AZD1722MedChemExpress Tenapanor Shismus arabicus.24 hours imbibition, the germinated seeds with radicle length of about 0.2-0.3 mm measured by microscope (Olympus SZ61, with scale) were transferred to dry 5 cm diameter Petri dishes and allowed to dry at 25 ?1 and 10?5 relative humidity (RH), measured by a thermohygrograph throughout the sets of experiments. Following 180 min dehydrated germinated seeds were stored in the same conditions for 21 days. After the period of dry storage, the filter papers with the dehydrated seeds were placed on petri dishes and re-wetted with 1.5 ml water. The closed petri dishes were stored first in PubMed ID: darkness at 15 for 48 h, and then at 15 under low light of 100 mol m-2 s-1. Seeds were scored as “survived” when both root and coleoptile elongation continued after 21-d rehydration (Additional file 1c).Extraction for the identification and quantification of metabolitesMethods Schismus arabicus Nees caryopses (seeds) were collected in April 2005 from a natural habitat near Sede Boker in the Negev (34?6E 30?1N; 460 m a.s.l). The caryopses were separated and stored in glass vials, placed into brown paper bags and stored at 40 in darkness controlled with thermostat (Environette, Lab-Line, Illinois, USA) as described earlier [18]. In the current set of experiments only caryopses of the size 350?25 m were used, which showed to have the highest germination rates and percentage of germination [30].Seed germination, dehydration and seed survival measurementsGermination and dehydration experiments were conducted exactly as described in [18]. The experiment started in June 2010 lasting 12 months until May 2011. Briefly, caryopses were germinated in four replicates of 50 caryopses each on wetted (1.5 ml) Fisher No. 1 filter paper vertically position.

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Author: nucleoside analogue