Lete compliance with the predefined class in questions. Any value within
Lete compliance with the predefined class in questions. Any value within the interval indicates a partial class membership. Providing such a value of ‘confidence’ for classifications can serve two purposes, (i) optimizing the model’s calibration in the learning phase, and (ii) the rejection of low-confidence classifications in the test phase.Overview of nearest neighbor classifiers Comparative studies involving various classifiers and microarray data sets have revealed that instance-based learning (a basic form of memory-based or case-based reasoning) approaches such as nearest neighbor methods perform remarkably well compared with more intricate models [14,15]. A k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier is based on an instance-based learning concept, which is also referred to as lazy learning. In contrast to eager methods, which apply rule-like abstractions obtained from the learning instances, lazy methods access learning instances at application time, i.e., the time when a new case is to be classified. A nearest neighbor classifier determines the classification of a new sample on the basis of a set of k similar samples found in a database containing samples with known classification. Challenges of the k-NN approach include (a) the relative weighting of features, (b) the choice of a suitable similarity method, (c) the estimation of the optimal number of nearest neighbors, and (d) a scheme for combining the information represented by the k nearest neighbors.In its simplest implementation, k-NN computes a measure of similarity BRDU side effects between the test case and all pre-classified learning cases. The test case is then classified as a member of the same class as the most similar case [11]. In this simple scenario only one, the most similar case, is finally selected for calling the class, the parameter k is set to 1. A more elaborate variant of k-NN involves cross-validation procedures that determine an optimal number, kopt, of nearest neighbors; usually, kopt > 1. The test case is classified based on a majority vote among the kopt nearest neighbors [16]. For example, in leave-one-out cross-validation, each hold-out case is classified based on k 1, 2, …, kmax neighbors. That integer k that minimizes the cumulative error is kopt. For more details and extensions to the kNN classifier, see for instance [5,16-18], and references therein.Paper outline Motivated by the recent success stories of nearest neighbor methods [14,15,19,20], we investigated a model of a knearest neighbor classifier based on a weighted-voting of normed distances [5,16]. This classifier outputs a degree^ of class membership for each case x, 0 p (C | PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27766426 x) 1.Wang et al. used fuzzy c-means clustering for deriving fuzzy membership values, which they used as a confidence measure for microarray data classification [21]. Recently, Asyali and Alci applied fuzzy c-means clustering for classifying microarray data of two classes [22]. In contrast to the models of Wang et al. [21] and Asyali and Alci [22], the k-NN model in the present study does not rely on unsupervised clustering approaches for deriving fuzzy class membership values. This paper focuses on a simple and intuitive model, the knearest neighbor based on distance weighting, for the classification of multiclass microarray data and aims at addressing the aforementioned key limitations of previous comparative studies in this field. We apply the distance-weighted k-NN to three well-studied, publicly available microarray data sets, o.
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